Chicago’s COVID-19 Vaccination Sites
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken many lives and has changed the way society works.
Scientists started the race against time to make a new vaccine as soon as possible to help end this pandemic.
This made possible the number of COVID-19 locations in the City of Chicago. The City of Chicago currently has 256 locations. Since the CDC approved three types of COVID-19 vaccines: the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, and Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine.
Both the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine require two doses and both have high percentages to fight COVID-19. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is 95% effective and allows 16 years old and older to be vaccinated. Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is 94.1% effective and allows 18 years old and older to be vaccinated with it.
Many people are taking the vaccines that have two doses instead of the one dose because the Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine came out quite recently compared to the other two vaccines that came out in Dec.. Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine is only 66.3% effective and allows 18 years old and older to be vaccinated.
Also, the Catholic Bishop is informing Catholics to not get the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine because Johnson & Johnson used aborted fetuses. Thus, the Catholic Bishop is recommending two shots instead of the one shot.
The reason why Chicago has 256 locations is to make their plan, “Protect Chicago” a reality. They want to vaccinate people in certain communities more over others because certain communities have been harder affected by COVID-19 compared to others.
They have been calling residents over the phone and knocking on residents’ doors in order to have those residents protected in those communities from having an increase of COVID-19. Instead of just making residents go on the website.
To learn more, call 312–746–4835 during business hours or Chicago’s hotline 800–889–3931.